Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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After a while you begin to wonder. Is there a single centralized
source for laptop and notebook computer information? Somewhere
you can ask questions, comparison shop among various portable
computer models, locate specialized laptop software and obtain
tips on travelling with portable computers? No problem. Try
CompuServe - a vast computer network accessible by computer,
telephone line and a modem. Before we highlight some selected
resources for portable computer users a little background
concerning the CompuServe service....
CompuServe. Telephone: 800/848-8199 or 800/8488990. 5000
Arlington Centre Blvd, Columbus, OH 43220. Claiming that more
than 800,000 members can use the service at any one time,
Compuserve is without doubt the most extensive online service in
existence. The vastness can be overwhelming with literally
hundreds of conferences including gardening, coin and stamp
collecting, legal research, music, games, foreign language
training, desktop publishing, travel planning, banking, ecology,
portable computers and more. Over 1,400 databases are contained
online and users can send and receive messages and software from
anywhere in the world.
Compuserve users can use an attractive basic monthly service
plan, costing $7.95 per month, which includes messaging, limited
but useful services such as Consumer Reports, News, Weather,
Encyclopedia, Peterson's College search and others. Additional
forums and advanced services are charged on a per minute connect
time basis with additional surcharges for advanced services.
Connect time rates for forum access and advanced services cost
about $6.30/hour at 300 baud, $12.80/hour at 1200 or 2400 baud
and $22.80/hour at 9600 baud. Depending on services accessed,
Online databases, such as the IQuest service of Compuserve
provide access to corporate financial data, full text magazine
articles, legal data, medical topics and more - although a
surcharge of between $2 to $100 per search on advanced database
searches can make Compuserve expensive but cost effective if
vital data is needed quickly. An online member directory and
national telephone and address database is also available.
A Compuserve starter kit is available from most retail software
stores ($39.95) or can be ordered from Compuserve via their toll
free telephone number. The starter kit includes a $25 credit for
online time which more than pays for the included software and
reference materials. Compuserve also publishes a richly detailed
monthly magazine for members which includes articles on travel,
research, shareware, forums of interest, shortcuts and news for
members which is well worth the price of basic subscription
services described above. Compuserve is owned by H&R Block
What is available on CompuServe for laptop and portable computer
owners? There is so much information it almost becomes a
necessity to organize the topic into three areas: forums, files
and services.
Let's start with forums. Containing both message areas and
specialized library areas where software files are located,
forums are the primary conduits of specialized information. All
can be quickly accessed using a GO command. For example GO
PALMTOP would quickly transport you to the palmtop computer
forum which contains information on devices such as the Sharp
Wizard, Casio BOSS, Psion and Poquet computers. Here is a brief
list of applicable CompuServe forums and their specialty areas
which laptop and portable computer owners should investigate.
The IBMHW forum, library 6, is an especially rich treasure
Laptop, portable and notebook computer interest areas
Forum name Focus/specialization
IMBHW IBM hardware forum, see library 6, small computers
PALMTOP Palmtop computers and personal organizers
TRAVSIG Travel special interest group
CEFORUM Consumer electronics and the mobile office
IBMNET Vendor forums for IBM related hardware/software
CLUB Computer club forums, small computers
IBMCOMM IBM communications forum
EUROPHONES Telephone access numbers (CompuServe) in Europe
IBMEURO IBM European users, travelling with laptops info
IBMFF IBM file finder, locate files you need
Specialized vendor and manufacturer forums...
APORTFOLIO Atari Portfolio forum
TOSHIBA All toshiba portable and laptop computers
ZENITH Zenith laptop and desktop computers
EPSON Epson printers and portable computers
HP Hewlitt Packard computers, printers
HAYFORUM Hayes modem forum
M100SIG Tandy model 100 notebook computer
CANON Canon portable computers and printers
PPIFORUM Practical Peripherals - miniature modems
LI Laptops infinity, portable computer merchant
PCVENA Vendor A forum, section 10, Northgate computer
PCVEND Vendors such as Dell computer
MALL Electronic shopping mall - merchants/vendors
Routine commands/helpful GO words and commands
BILLING Review your current charges
COMMAND List of commands for efficient use
RATES Fees and charges for various services
FEEDBACK Ask questions on ANY CompuServe topic
INDEX Locate a forum, service or topic
DIRECTORY Locate a person and his/her ID number
MAIL Check your mail, send messages, FAX, postal
QUICK Master list of GO words
LOGON Telephone access info and numbers
TOUR An informative guided tour of the service
QALOGON Commonly asked logon/logoff questions
NEW What's new this week on CompuServe
BYE Command to logoff, exit the service
The treasure trove of CompuServe software files of interest to
portable computer owners in almost overwhelming; one service
which helps you navigate through files bears mention: the IBM
File Finder (GO IBMFF). Using this speedy "search engine" you
can quickly locate selected software files by keyword, filename,
uploading author and other criteria.
CompuServe software files are associated with "keywords" which
help index them. For example a file on using laptops might
contain keywords such as "beginner, laptop, notebook, travel,
portable". Using the IBM File Finder you can ask for a listing
of all files containing the single word "laptop" or, for a more
precise search, BOTH the words "beginner" and "laptop".
The File Finder report will tell you the forum (e.g., IBMHW,)
library (e.g., Library 6, small computers) in which the selected
file resides as well as the filename. Now that you know the
details, simply jump to that forum (e.g., GO IBMHW), switch to
the library (e.g., DL command, then select library 6). Finally,
read a full description using the BROWSE command (e.g., BRO
filename). Quick and painless.
What types of files are available to laptop and portable
computer owners? A sampling....
AIRPRT.ARC (GO IBMHW, library 6) discusses airline travel
concerns and issues of laptop computing such as use of laptops
while airborne, airport security and X ray inspections.
PORTCS.TXT (GO IBMHW, library 6) discusses business situations,
mostly oil drilling and prospecting, where laptop computers
processed crucial business information and assisted in
investment decisions.
TRAVEL.INF (GO IBMHW, library 6) contains a clever assortment of
tips and accessories for the well-equipped laptop traveler.
BC3.COM (GO TOSHIBA, library 5) cursor utility which changes
shape from thin underscore line to large block shape for better
3PARTY.ZIP (GO TOSHIBA, library 4) retailers who can supply
specialized memory, modems, cables and accessories for Toshiba
laptop computers.
LAPKEY.ZIP (GO ZENITH, library 5) a clever utility which lets
you redefine the cursor control keys (right/left/up/down arrows)
on your laptop.
PKL105.EXE (GO ZENITH, library 5) PKLITE allows laptop users
with limited disk drive space to compress COM and EXE files to
save space - yet files still uncompress and run programs
LAPTOP.ARC (GO TOSHIBA, library 4) discussion of common laptop
questions and issues concerning mobile and cellular computing.
CLAP.ARC (GO IBMHW, library 6) cursor pulsing speed can be
altered for better visibility.
TOSHUT.ZIP (GO TOSHIBA, library 2) an assortment of utilities
for Toshiba laptops, many of which also work on other portable
computer models, which toggle displays, cursor size, report
system setup information and more.
GAS50.ZIP (GO TOSHIBA, library 2) clever "gas gauge" utility to
report nicad battery level for older laptops lacking this
BF171A.ZIP and BF171B.ZIP (GO ZENITH, library 4) Back and Forth
allows you to rapidly switch between several applications for
increased laptop productivity. Switch quickly from word
processor to notepad when the phone rings. Jump from spreadsheet
to database or other program when you need real productivity.
VIDTOG.EXE (GO IBMHW, library 6) switch between internal LCD
display and external monitor on Compaq SLT computers.
Beyond files, other services await you on CompuServe. If
computer research and cost comparisons are what you need, try
the following services. Most of these services have surcharges
and special connect time charges in addition to normal rates, so
check rates before you begin an extensive search....
The Computer Directory (GO COMPDIR) contains almost 10,000
manufacturers and 60,000 product listings. You can search by any
word or phrase such as product name or manufacturer name.
Likewise, the Computer Database Plus (GO COMPDB) contains
reviews of products from almost 150 computer magazines and
periodicals. You can search articles individually or in linked
InfoWorld Online (GO INFOWORLD) provides further research by
way of product reviews on selected hardware, manufacturers and
Finally Consumer Reports provides general information and
ratings for many consumer items such as computers, cars, toys
and food (GO CONSUMER).
Tutorial finished. Be sure to order your THREE BONUS DISKS which
expand this software package with vital tools, updates and
additional tutorial material for laptop users! Send $29.95 to
Seattle Scientific Photography, Department LAP, PO Box 1506,
Mercer Island, WA 98040. Bonus disks shipped promptly! Some
portions of this software package use sections from the larger
PC-Learn tutorial system which you will also receive with your
order. Modifications, custom program versions, site and LAN
licenses of this package for business or corporate use are
possible, contact the author. This software is shareware - an
honor system which means TRY BEFORE YOU BUY. Press escape key to
return to menu.